Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Kids Can Help!

In my house we recycle bottles, cans and paper. We don't do any of that stuff in school. There are so many plastic water bottles and plastic bags that kids just throw out after lunch. Most of the kids in my school use paper and plastic bags for lunch. It's like such a waste. Why don't we start using ssomething else that doesn't get wasted?


Siddharth said...

it's a great thing that you recycle. Tell the other kids and educate them about recycling and using the right materials. In my school, we sell Reusable plastic bottles. Maybe you can ask your school to sell these?

Siddharth said...

visit my blog at for info on global warming.

Skii said...

Recycling is one of the best things you can do for the enviorment. You should get enough people freom your school to say that the school needs to have reusable bottles for the students.
Maybe you should talk about what happens to recycled materials and what is made out of them.

KT said...

Yes, kids also can change their family.
Teach what they know and learn from school !!

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